Reactive Programming with RxJava

- 3 mins


Reactive Extensions (ReactiveX)

Interested in Reactive Extensions and RxJava, I enjoyed reading the excellent book: Learning RxJava by Thomas Nield, and the following are my notes.

Why RxJava?


In ReactiveX, the core type is the Observable which essentially pushes things. A given Observable<T> pushes things of type T through a series of operators until it arrives at an Observer that consumes the items. The following is an example of an Observable<String> that pushes three String objects:

fun main() {
    val observable = Observable.just("Hello", "world", "!")

Running this main method isn’t doing anything other than declare a Observable<String>. To make this Observable actually emit these three strings, anObserver need to subscribe to it and receive the items:

fun main() {
    val observable = Observable.just("Hello", "world", "!")
    observable.subscribe {
        print("$it ")

This time, the output is the following:

Hello, world! 

What happened here is that Observable<String> pushed each String object once at a time to the Observer lambda.

It’s possible to use several operators between Observable and Observer to transform each pushed item or manipulate them, the following is an example of map():

fun main() {
    val observable = Observable.just("Hello", "world", "!") { it.uppercase() }.subscribe { print("$it ") }

The output should be:


RxJava vs Java 8 streams

How Observable is any different from Java 8 Streams or Kotlin sequences? The key difference is that Observable pushes the items while Streams and sequences pull the items.

Advanced RxJava

The following are more detailed notes for a deeper understanding of RxJava:


Note: code examples in this article are written in Kotlin to showcase the interoperability between Java and Kotlin, however, for Kotlin projects, it is most likely better to use RxKotlin.

Mouaad Aallam

Mouaad Aallam

Software Engineer

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