RxJava: Flowable

- 10 mins

The Flowable is a variant of the Observable with backpressure capabilities, that tells the source to emit at a pace specified by the downstream operations. Replace Observable.range() with Flowable.range():

fun main() {
    Flowable.range(1, 999_999_999)
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item ${it.id}")

Constructing Item 1
Constructing Item 2
Constructing Item 127
Constructing Item 128
Received item 1
Received item 2
Received item 95
Received item 96
Constructing Item 129
Constructing Item 130
Constructing Item 223
Constructing Item 224
Received item 97
Received item 98

Some parts of the output are omitted, but the behavior is clear: 128 emissions were immediately pushed from Flowable.range(). After that, observeOn() pushed 96 of them downstream to Subscriber (yes, not an Observer, but a Subscriber). This behavior of not having more than a certain number of emissions in the pipeline at any given time is what’s called: backpressure.

Flowables, when?

The benefits offered from the Flowable: leaner usage of memory and preventing MissingBackpressureException. The disadvantage is that it adds overhead and may not perform as fast as an Observable. When to use Flowable?

  1. When dealing with over 10,000 elements and there is the opportunity for the source to generate emissions in a regulated manner.
  2. When the goal is to emit from IO operations that support blocking while returning results. For example from data sources that iterate records (file lines, JDBC’s ResultSets…), or network and streaming APIs that can request a certain amount of returned results.
  3. It might be better to use Flowables when the stream isn’t synchronous, like when zipping and combining different streams on different threads, parallelize, or use operators such as observeOn(), interval(), and delay().

Note: in RxJava 1.0, the Observable had backpressure support and was what the Flowable is in RxJava 2.0.


Flowable has factories like: Flowable.range(),Flowable.just(),Flowable.fromIterable(), and Flowable.interval() . Most of these implement backpressure, and usage is the same as the Observable equal. Let’s consider Flowable.interval(), which pushes time-based emissions at fixed time intervals. This can’t be logically backpressured because slowing down the Flowable.interval() emissions would not reflect time intervals and become misleading. For that reason, Flowable.interval() is one of those cases that can throw MissingBackpressureException the moment downstream requests backpressure:

fun main() {
    Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .map { intenseCalculation(it) }
        .subscribe({ i -> println("Received item $i") }, Throwable::printStackTrace)

Received item 0
io.reactivex.exceptions.MissingBackpressureException: Can't deliver value 128 due to lack of requests

A solution for this issue is to use operators such as onBackpresureDrop() or onBackPressureBuffer().

Creating a Flowable

Leveraging Flowable.create() to create a Flowable feels much like Observable.create(), but there is one critical difference: BackpressureStrategy as a second argument. This enumerable simply supports backpressure by not implementing it, caching or dropping emissions.

fun main() {
    val source = Flowable.create<Int>({ emitter ->
        for (i in 0..1_000) {
            if (emitter.isCancelled) return@create
    }, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER)

        .subscribe { println("Received item $it") }


In the earlier example, Flowable.create() used to create a Flowable, with BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER as the second argument to buffer the emissions before they’re backpressured.

The following are the possible BackpressureStrategy options:

Backpressure Operators

A Flowable that has no backpressure implementation (including ones derived from Observable), BackpressureStrategy is applied using onBackpressureXXX() operators. These also offer extra configuration options.


The onBackPressureBuffer() takes an existing Flowable that is assumed to not have backpressure implemented and apply BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER at that point to the downstream:

fun main() {
    Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

Received item 0
Received item 1
Received item 2
Received item 3
Received item 4

onBackPressureBuffer() can accept arguments, the more common ones are:

fun main() {
    Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .onBackpressureBuffer(10, { println("Overflow!") }, BackpressureOverflowStrategy.DROP_LATEST)
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

Received item 22
Received item 23
Received item 24
Received item 25


The operator onBackPressureLatest() retains the latest value from the source while the downstream is busy, and until the downstream is free to process more. Any previous values emitted during this busy period are lost:

fun main() {
    Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

Received item 125
Received item 126
Received item 127
Received item 566
Received item 567


The onBackpressureDrop() operator discards emissions if the downstream is too busy to process them. The operator can accept an onDrop lambda argument specifying the action to do with each dropped item.

fun main() {
    Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        .onBackpressureDrop{ println("Drop: $it")}
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

Received item 19
Received item 20
Drop: 128
Received item 21
Drop: 129
Drop: 130


Most of Flowable’s standard factories and operators automatically handle backpressure. However, in the case of custom sources, Flowable.create() or the onBackPressureXXX() operators are somewhat compromised in how they handle backpressure requests, caching emissions, or simply dropping them is not always desirable. Flowable.generate() exists to help create backpressure, respecting sources at a nicely abstracted level.

fun main() {
    Flowable.generate<Int> { emitter -> emitter.onNext(Random.nextInt(1, 1_000)) }
        .doOnNext { println("Emitting $it") }
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

Emitting 577
Emitting 597
Emitting 235
Emitting 70
Received item 577
Received item 597

Note: invoking multiple onNext() operators within Consumer<Emitter<T>> results in IllegalStateException.

It’s possible to provide a state that can act somewhat like a “seed” and maintain passed state from one emission to the next:

fun main() {
    Flowable.generate<Int, AtomicInteger>(
        Callable<AtomicInteger> { AtomicInteger(1) },
        BiConsumer<AtomicInteger, Emitter<Int>> { state, emitter -> emitter.onNext(state.getAndIncrement()) }
        .doOnNext { println("Emitting $it") }
        .subscribe {
            println("Received item $it")

It’s also possible to provide a third Consumer<? super S> disposeState argument to do any disposal operations on termination.

Flowable.generator() provides an abstracted mechanism to create a source that respects backpressure, which makes it preferable over Flowable.create() to avoid caching or dropping emissions.

Mouaad Aallam

Mouaad Aallam

Software Engineer

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