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abstract suspend fun assistant(id: AssistantId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Assistant?

Retrieves an assistant.

abstract suspend fun assistant(request: AssistantRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Assistant

Create an assistant with a model and instructions.

abstract suspend fun assistant(id: AssistantId, request: AssistantRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Assistant

Update an assistant.

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abstract suspend fun assistants(    limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: AssistantId? = null,     before: AssistantId? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<Assistant>

Returns a list of assistants.

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abstract suspend fun cancel(fineTuneId: FineTuneId): FineTune?
abstract suspend fun cancel(id: FineTuningId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FineTuningJob?

Immediately cancel a fine-tune job.

abstract suspend fun cancel(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

Cancels a run that is Status.InProgress.

abstract suspend fun cancel(vectorStoreId: VectorStoreId, batchId: BatchId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FilesBatch?

Cancel a vector store file batch. This attempts to cancel the processing of files in this batch as soon as possible.

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abstract suspend fun chatCompletion(request: ChatCompletionRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): ChatCompletion

Creates a completion for the chat message.

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abstract fun chatCompletions(request: ChatCompletionRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<ChatCompletionChunk>

Stream variant of chatCompletion.

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expect abstract fun close()
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abstract suspend fun completion(request: CompletionRequest): TextCompletion

This is the main endpoint of the API. Returns the predicted completion for the given prompt, and can also return the probabilities of alternative tokens at each position if requested.

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abstract fun completions(request: CompletionRequest): Flow<TextCompletion>

Stream variant of completion.

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abstract suspend fun createRun(threadId: ThreadId, request: RunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

Create a run.

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abstract suspend fun createStreamingRun(    threadId: ThreadId,     request: RunRequest,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>

Create a run with event streaming.

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abstract suspend fun createStreamingThreadRun(request: ThreadRunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>

Create a thread and run it in one request with event streaming.

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abstract suspend fun createThreadRun(request: ThreadRunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

Create a thread and run it in one request.

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abstract suspend fun createVectorStore(request: VectorStoreRequest? = null, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): VectorStore

Create a new vector store.

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abstract suspend fun createVectorStoreFile(    id: VectorStoreId,     request: VectorStoreFileRequest,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): VectorStoreFile

Create a vector store file by attaching a File to a vector store.

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abstract suspend fun createVectorStoreFilesBatch(id: VectorStoreId, request: FileBatchRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FilesBatch

Create a batch of vector store files.

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abstract suspend fun delete(id: AssistantId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Boolean

Delete an assistant.

abstract suspend fun delete(fileId: FileId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Boolean

Delete a file. Only owners of organizations can delete files currently.

abstract suspend fun delete(fineTuneModel: ModelId): Boolean

Delete a fine-tuned model. You must have the Owner role in your organization.

abstract suspend fun delete(id: ThreadId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Boolean

Delete a thread.

abstract suspend fun delete(id: VectorStoreId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Boolean

Delete a vector store.

abstract suspend fun delete(id: VectorStoreId, fileId: FileId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Boolean

Delete a vector store file. This will remove the file from the vector store, but the file itself will not be deleted. To delete the file, OpenAI.delete(fileId).

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abstract suspend fun download(fileId: FileId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): ByteArray

Returns the contents of the specified fileId.

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abstract suspend fun edit(request: EditsRequest): Edit

Creates a new edit for the provided input, instruction, and parameters.

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abstract suspend fun embeddings(request: EmbeddingRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): EmbeddingResponse

Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.

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abstract suspend fun file(fileId: FileId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): File?

Returns information about a specific file.

abstract suspend fun file(request: FileUpload, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): File

Upload a file that contains document(s) to be used across various endpoints/features. Currently, the size of all the files uploaded by one organization can be up to 1 GB.

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abstract suspend fun files(requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<File>

Returns a list of files that belong to the user's organization.

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abstract suspend fun fineTune(fineTuneId: FineTuneId): FineTune?

Gets info about to fine-tune job.

abstract suspend fun fineTune(request: FineTuneRequest): FineTune

Creates a job that fine-tunes a specified model from a given dataset.

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abstract suspend fun fineTuneEvents(fineTuneId: FineTuneId): List<FineTuneEvent>

Get fine-grained status updates for fine-tune job.

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abstract fun fineTuneEventsFlow(fineTuneId: FineTuneId): Flow<FineTuneEvent>

Get fine-grained status updates for fine-tune job.

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abstract suspend fun fineTunes(): List<FineTune>

List your organization's fine-tuning jobs.

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abstract suspend fun fineTuningEvents(    id: FineTuningId,     after: String? = null,     limit: Int? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): PaginatedList<FineTuningJobEvent>

Get status updates for a fine-tuning job.

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abstract suspend fun fineTuningJob(id: FineTuningId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FineTuningJob?

Get info about a fine-tuning job.

abstract suspend fun fineTuningJob(request: FineTuningRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FineTuningJob

Creates a job that fine-tunes a specified model from a given dataset.

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abstract suspend fun fineTuningJobs(after: String? = null, limit: Int? = null, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<FineTuningJob>

List your organization's fine-tuning jobs.

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abstract suspend fun getRun(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

Retrieves a run.

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abstract suspend fun imageJSON(creation: ImageCreation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates an image given a prompt. Get images as base 64 JSON.

abstract suspend fun imageJSON(edit: ImageEdit, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt. Get images as base 64 JSON.

abstract suspend fun imageJSON(variation: ImageVariation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates a variation of a given image. Get images as base 64 JSON.

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abstract suspend fun imageURL(creation: ImageCreation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates an image given a prompt. Get images as URLs.

abstract suspend fun imageURL(edit: ImageEdit, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt. Get images as URLs.

abstract suspend fun imageURL(variation: ImageVariation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates a variation of a given image. Get images as URLs.

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abstract suspend fun message(threadId: ThreadId, messageId: MessageId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Message

Retrieve a message.

abstract suspend fun message(threadId: ThreadId, request: MessageRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Message

Create a message.

abstract suspend fun message(    threadId: ThreadId,     messageId: MessageId,     metadata: Map<String, String>? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Message

Modify a message.

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abstract suspend fun messages(    threadId: ThreadId,     limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: MessageId? = null,     before: MessageId? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<Message>

Returns a list of messages for a given thread.

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abstract suspend fun model(modelId: ModelId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Model

Retrieves a model instance, providing basic information about the model such as the owner and permission.

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abstract suspend fun models(requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<Model>

Lists the currently available models, and provides basic information about each one such as the owner and availability.

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abstract suspend fun moderations(request: ModerationRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): TextModeration

Classifies if a text violates OpenAI's Content Policy.

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abstract suspend fun runs(    threadId: ThreadId,     limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: RunId? = null,     before: RunId? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<Run>

Returns a list of runs belonging to a thread.

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abstract suspend fun runStep(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, stepId: RunStepId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): RunStep

Retrieves a run step.

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abstract suspend fun runSteps(    threadId: ThreadId,     runId: RunId,     limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: RunStepId? = null,     before: RunStepId? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<RunStep>

Retrieves a run step.

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abstract suspend fun speech(request: SpeechRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): ByteArray

Generates audio from the input text.

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abstract suspend fun submitStreamingToolOutput(    threadId: ThreadId,     runId: RunId,     output: List<ToolOutput>,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>

When a run has the status: Status.RequiresAction and required action is RequiredAction.SubmitToolOutputs, this endpoint can be used to submit the outputs from the tool calls once they're all completed. All outputs must be submitted in a single request using event streaming.

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abstract suspend fun submitToolOutput(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, output: List<ToolOutput>, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

When a run has the status: Status.RequiresAction and required action is RequiredAction.SubmitToolOutputs, this endpoint can be used to submit the outputs from the tool calls once they're all completed. All outputs must be submitted in a single request.

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abstract suspend fun thread(id: ThreadId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Thread?

Retrieve a thread.

abstract suspend fun thread(request: ThreadRequest? = null, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Thread

Create a thread.

abstract suspend fun thread(id: ThreadId, metadata: Map<String, String>, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Thread

Modify a thread.

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abstract suspend fun transcription(request: TranscriptionRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Transcription

Transcribes audio into the input language.

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abstract suspend fun translation(request: TranslationRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Translation

Translates audio into English.

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abstract suspend fun updateRun(    threadId: ThreadId,     runId: RunId,     metadata: Map<String, String>? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run

Modifies a run.

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abstract suspend fun updateVectorStore(id: VectorStoreId, request: VectorStoreRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): VectorStore

Update a vector store.

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abstract suspend fun vectorStore(id: VectorStoreId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): VectorStore?

Retrieve a vector store.

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abstract suspend fun vectorStoreFileBatch(vectorStoreId: VectorStoreId, batchId: BatchId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): FilesBatch?

Retrieves a vector store file batch.

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abstract suspend fun vectorStoreFiles(    id: VectorStoreId,     limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: VectorStoreId? = null,     before: VectorStoreId? = null,     filter: Status? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<VectorStoreFile>

Returns a list of vector store files.

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abstract suspend fun vectorStoreFilesBatches(    vectorStoreId: VectorStoreId,     batchId: BatchId,     limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: VectorStoreId? = null,     before: VectorStoreId? = null,     filter: Status? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<VectorStoreFile>

Returns a list of vector store files in a batch.

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abstract suspend fun vectorStores(    limit: Int? = null,     order: SortOrder? = null,     after: VectorStoreId? = null,     before: VectorStoreId? = null,     requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<VectorStore>

List all vector stores.