
interface Images

Given a prompt and/or an input image, the model will generate a new image.



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abstract suspend fun imageJSON(creation: ImageCreation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates an image given a prompt. Get images as base 64 JSON.

abstract suspend fun imageJSON(edit: ImageEdit, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt. Get images as base 64 JSON.

abstract suspend fun imageJSON(variation: ImageVariation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageJSON>

Creates a variation of a given image. Get images as base 64 JSON.

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abstract suspend fun imageURL(creation: ImageCreation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates an image given a prompt. Get images as URLs.

abstract suspend fun imageURL(edit: ImageEdit, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates an edited or extended image given an original image and a prompt. Get images as URLs.

abstract suspend fun imageURL(variation: ImageVariation, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): List<ImageURL>

Creates a variation of a given image. Get images as URLs.