Package-level declarations


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data class CodeInterpreterImage(val fileId: FileId)

Code interpreter image

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data class CodeInterpreterToolCall(val input: String, val outputs: List<CodeInterpreterToolCallOutput>)
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sealed interface CodeInterpreterToolCallOutput
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data class FunctionToolCallStep(val name: String, val arguments: String, val output: String? = null)
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data class MessageCreation(val messageId: MessageId)

Details of the message that occurred during the run step.

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@SerialName(value = "message_creation")
data class MessageCreationStep(val id: RunStepId, val createdAt: Int, val assistantId: AssistantId, val threadId: ThreadId, val runId: RunId, val status: Status, val stepDetails: MessageCreationStepDetails, val lastError: LastError? = null, val expiredAt: Int? = null, val cancelledAt: Int? = null, val failedAt: Int? = null, val completedAt: Int? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null) : RunStep
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@SerialName(value = "message_creation")
data class MessageCreationStepDetails(val messageCreation: MessageCreation) : RunStepDetails

Details of the message creation by the run step.

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sealed interface RequiredAction

Details on the action required to continue the run.

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data class Run(val id: RunId, val createdAt: Int, val threadId: ThreadId, val assistantId: AssistantId, val status: Status, val requiredAction: RequiredAction? = null, val lastError: LastError? = null, val expiresAt: Int? = null, val startedAt: Int? = null, val cancelledAt: Int? = null, val failedAt: Int? = null, val completedAt: Int? = null, val model: ModelId, val instructions: String? = null, val tools: List<AssistantTool>? = null, val fileIds: List<String>? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, val usage: Usage? = null, val temperature: Double? = null, val topP: Double? = null, val maxPromptTokens: Int? = null, val maxCompletionTokens: Int? = null)

Represents an execution run on a thread.

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value class RunId(val id: String)

A run id.

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data class RunRequest(val assistantId: AssistantId, val model: ModelId? = null, val instructions: String? = null, val additionalInstructions: String? = null, val tools: List<AssistantTool>? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

Create a run request.

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Builder for RunRequest.

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sealed interface RunStep
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sealed interface RunStepDetails

A run step object.

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value class RunStepId(val id: String)

A run step id.

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data class ThreadRunRequest(val assistantId: AssistantId, val thread: ThreadRequest? = null, val model: ModelId? = null, val instructions: String? = null, val tools: List<AssistantTool>? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

Create a thread and run it in one request.

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Create a thread and run it in one request.

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@SerialName(value = "tool_calls")
data class ToolCallsStep(val id: RunStepId, val createdAt: Int, val assistantId: AssistantId, val threadId: ThreadId, val runId: RunId, val status: Status, val stepDetails: ToolCallStepDetails, val lastError: LastError? = null, val expiredAt: Int? = null, val cancelledAt: Int? = null, val failedAt: Int? = null, val completedAt: Int? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null) : RunStep
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sealed interface ToolCallStep
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@SerialName(value = "tool_calls")
data class ToolCallStepDetails(val toolCalls: List<ToolCallStep>? = null) : RunStepDetails

Details of the tool call.

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value class ToolCallStepId(val id: String)

Tool call step identifier.

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data class ToolOutput(val toolCallId: ToolId? = null, val output: String? = null)

Represents a tool output.

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A tool output builder.

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data class ToolOutputs(val toolCalls: List<ToolCall>)

Details on the tool outputs needed for this run to continue.


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Create a run request.

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Create a thread and run it in one request.

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Creates a ToolOutput instance using the provided builder block.