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abstract suspend fun cancel(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run
Cancels a run that is Status.InProgress.
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abstract suspend fun createRun(threadId: ThreadId, request: RunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run
Create a run.
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abstract suspend fun createStreamingRun( threadId: ThreadId, request: RunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>
Create a run with event streaming.
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abstract suspend fun createStreamingThreadRun(request: ThreadRunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>
Create a thread and run it in one request with event streaming.
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abstract suspend fun createThreadRun(request: ThreadRunRequest, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run
Create a thread and run it in one request.
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abstract suspend fun submitStreamingToolOutput( threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, output: List<ToolOutput>, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Flow<AssistantStreamEvent>
When a run has the status: Status.RequiresAction and required action is RequiredAction.SubmitToolOutputs, this endpoint can be used to submit the outputs from the tool calls once they're all completed. All outputs must be submitted in a single request using event streaming.
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abstract suspend fun submitToolOutput(threadId: ThreadId, runId: RunId, output: List<ToolOutput>, requestOptions: RequestOptions? = null): Run
When a run has the status: Status.RequiresAction and required action is RequiredAction.SubmitToolOutputs, this endpoint can be used to submit the outputs from the tool calls once they're all completed. All outputs must be submitted in a single request.