Package-level declarations


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data class ExpirationPolicy(val anchor: String, val days: Long)

The expiration policy for a vector store.

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data class FileBatchRequest(val fileIds: List<FileId>)

A batch file request.

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data class FileCounts(val inProgress: Long, val completed: Long, val failed: Long, val cancelled: Long, val total: Long)

The number of files that are currently being processed.

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data class FilesBatch(val id: BatchId, val createdAt: Long, val vectorStoreId: VectorStoreId, val status: Status, val fileCounts: FileCounts)

A batch of files attached to a vector store.

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data class VectorStore(val id: VectorStoreId, val createdAt: Long, val name: String? = null, val usageBytes: Long, val fileCounts: FileCounts, val status: Status, val expiresAfter: ExpirationPolicy? = null, val expiresAt: Long? = null, val lastActiveAt: Long? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

The vector store object.

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data class VectorStoreFile(val id: FileId, val usageBytes: Long? = null, val createdAt: Long, val vectorStoreId: VectorStoreId, val status: Status, val lastError: LastError? = null)

A list of files attached to a vector store.

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class VectorStoreFileRequest(val fileId: FileId? = null)

A request to create a vector store file by attaching a File to a vector store.

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value class VectorStoreId(val id: String)

The identifier of a vector store.

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class VectorStoreRequest(val fileIds: List<FileId>? = null, val name: String? = null, val expiresAfter: ExpirationPolicy? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null)

A request to create a new vector store.