Package-level declarations


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data class Assistant(val id: AssistantId, val createdAt: Long, val name: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val model: ModelId, val instructions: String? = null, val tools: List<AssistantTool>, val toolResources: ToolResources? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val temperature: Double? = null, val topP: Double? = null, val responseFormat: AssistantResponseFormat? = null)
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value class AssistantId(val id: String)

ID of an assistant.

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data class AssistantRequest(val model: ModelId? = null, val name: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val instructions: String? = null, val tools: List<AssistantTool>? = null, val toolResources: ToolResources? = null, val metadata: Map<String, String>? = null, val temperature: Double? = null, val topP: Double? = null, val responseFormat: AssistantResponseFormat? = null)
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Represents the format of the response from the assistant.

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sealed interface AssistantTool

A list of tool enabled on the assistant. There can be a maximum of 128 tools per assistant. Tools can be of types code_interpreter, file_search, or function.

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data class CodeInterpreterResources(val fileIds: List<FileId>? = null)
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data class FileSearchResources(val vectorStoreIds: List<VectorStoreId>? = null)
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data class Function(val name: String, val description: String, val parameters: Parameters)
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Builder of Function instances.

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data class ToolResources(val fileSearch: FileSearchResources? = null, val codeInterpreter: CodeInterpreterResources? = null)


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fun JsonObject.Companion.buildJsonObject(block: JsonObjectBuilder.() -> Unit): JsonObject
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Creates Function instance.